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Discovering Your It: Walking Into Your Divine Destiny Ebook is a “must-read” ebook/audio for new believers, bible students, seminary students, five-fold ministers and especially pastors. As you read this book, you will discover that your calling is a sovereign act of God,…whereby, He will fulfill that which He has spoken about your divine destiny. The word “it” has been substituted throughout the book for “Divine Destiny.”

In the Isaiah 46:28 passage, King Cyrus’ “it” was used to help the reader understand how God can call a person before he or she is born. Cyrus didn’t fulfill his calling until 150 years after the proclamation was spoken. God had a purpose for Cyrus’ life, and He was the one who would cause Cyrus to walk into his “it.”

In the same way, we must rely on the sovereign work of God in our lives so that we may fulfill our “it” on the earth. If you don’t know your “it” or if you are unsure about your “it,” this book is for you. If you answer no to any of the questions below, this book is for you:

1. Has God revealed your “it” to you?

2. Do you know when you received your “it”?

3. Do you know who gave you your “it”?

4. Do you know how you received your “it”?

5. Do you know the purpose of your “it”?

6. Do you know if you are progressing in your “it”?

7. Do you know if you are producing fruits by functioning in your “it”?